Corporate and secretarial services comprise various compliance under Companies Act, 2017, Securities Act, 2015, PSX Regulations, Societies Act, etc. The corporate services that we provide to our clients include:
- Advice and assistance in setting up of new corporate structures, in accordance with the Companies Act, 2017 and other related laws and regulations;
- Assistance in the incorporation of companies, major acquisition, listing into securities exchange, induction into CDS, etc.;
- Observe compliances of Securities Act, Listing Regulations, Foreign Exchange Act, Insurance Ordinance, Non-Banking Financial Institution Regulations, and other regulating laws of the land;
- Flotation, liquidation, and winding up of joint stock companies and completion of formalities relating thereto;
- Preparation and filing of annual and periodical forms and returns, through both means online or physical, to different regulating bodies under the applicable corporate laws in Pakistan especially to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan under the Companies Act, 2017; and
Providing corporate technical advice and secretarial services in completing documents and acting as company secretary.
Click on the relevant tab on left to know details
Private & Public Limited Company Registration (Other than Licensed entity)
Completion Time: 3 – 7 Working Days
- Three Names of the proposed company in the sequence of preference
- Objective / explanation of the selected name
- Neat and clear scanned copies of CNIC’s of all the proposed subscribers
- NTN of the proposed subscribers
- Registered address / correspondence address of the proposed company
- The principal business of the proposed company
- Nature of the business activity
- Authorized capital (in number of shares)
- Paid up capital (in number of shares)
- Value per share e.g. Rs. 10, Rs. 50 or Rs. 100 etc
- Combination of shares agreed to be subscribed by each subscriber
- Name of the Chief Executive of the proposed company
- Mobile numbers and email ID of all the proposed subscribers
- Name of declarant person
- SECP login details of the proposed directors / subscribers (if any)
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Single Member Company Registration (Other than Licensed entity)
Completion Time: 3 – 5 Working Days
- Three Names of the proposed company in sequence of preference.
- Objective / explanation of the selected name
- Neat and Clear Scanned copies of CNIC’s of the Director / subscriber and
nominee director. - NTN of the proposed director / subscriber and nominee director
- Registered address / correspondence address of the proposed Company.
- The principal business of the proposed company.
- Nature of the business activity
- Authorized Capital (in number of shares)
- Paid up Capital (in number of shares)
- Value per share e.g.Rs. 10, Rs. 50 or Rs. 100 etc
- Name of the Chief Executive of the Proposed Company
- Mobile numbers and email ID of the proposed director
- SECP login details of the proposed director / subscriber(if any)
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Limited Liability Partnership Registration LLP (Other than Licensed entity)
Completion Time: 7 – 10 Working Days
- Three Names of the proposed LLP in sequence of preference
- Neat and Clear Scanned copies of CNIC’s of all the proposed partners / subscribers
- Partnership deeds duly executed
- NTN of the proposed partners / subscribers
- Registered address / correspondence address of the proposed LLP
- The principal business of the proposed LLP
- Nature of the business activity
- Authorized Capital
- Paid up Capital
- Value per share e.g .Rs. 10, Rs. 50 or Rs. 100 etc
- Combination of Shares agreed to be subscribed by each director / subscriber
- Name of the Chief Executive of the Proposed LLP
- Authorization from other subscribers. (For Offline only)
- Mobile numbers and email ID of all the proposed partners of the LLP
- Name of declarant person
- SECP login details of the proposed partners / subscribers(if any)
Fee: Starting from Rs. 15,000
Private and Public companies
Other than Listed / Licensed Entities
Service include:
Annual Form A/ C, Form 9, and financial statements
Election of directors will also be complied
(Also applicable to NPOs operating without any other license)
Fee: Starting from Rs. 25,000 / year
Listed and Licensed Entities
Services include
Form A/ C
Compliance of different dates
Form 29
Financial Statements
Regulatory / other periodical statements
Notices to different regulatory bodies like PSX, Insurance division, etc
Fee: Starting from Rs. 45,000 / Month
Private and Public companies
Other than Listed / Licensed Entities
Services include:
All forms under Companies Act, 2017
Election of directors will also be complied
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000 / Month
Listed and Licensed Entities
Services include:
All compliances except for special arrangements
Fee: Starting from Rs. 45,000 / Month
Form “A” (Annual return of company having share capital)
Completion Time: 2 – 3 Working Days
- Date of AGM
- Registered office address
- Office email address
- Office telephone
- Principal line of business
- Name, address, and shares details of the holding /subsidiary company, if any
- Name, CNIC number, and address of Chief Executive Officer
- Name, CNIC number, and address of Chief Finance Officer, if any
- Name, CNIC number, and address of Secretary, if any
- Name, CNIC number, and address of Legal Advisor, if any
- Name, and address of Auditor
- Name, and address of Share registrar, if any
- List of directors at date of AGM
- List of members & debenture holders on the date up of AGM
- Transfer of shares (debentures) since date of last AGM
- Auditor’s Consent letter
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 10,000
Form “C” (Annual return of companies in case there is no change of particulars
since last annual return)
Completion Time: 2 – 3 Working Days
- Date of AGM
- Undertaking from Chief Executive Officer on specified format that will be given
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “3” (Return of allotments of shares)
Completion Time: 15 – 18 Working Days
- Kind of shares (Ordinary/Preference)
- Class of shares
- Paid up capital (Inclusive of present allotment)
- Nominal amount
- Premium amount and percentage, if any
- Discount amount and percentage, if any
- Total (Amount paid on each share)
- A copy of the special resolution passed by the members authorizing such issue (In case
of discount upto 10%) - A copy of the order of the Commission permitting the issue at the higher percentage.
(In case discount percentage exceeds 10%) - Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
If allotted against cash consideration
- Certificate of receipt of subscription money from CA firm or ICMA firm
If allotted for consideration otherwise than in cash
- Copy of the contract in writing constituting the title of the allottee to the allotment together with a contract of sale / service, if any
- The consideration for which shares have been allotted is as follow:
- Amount of property and assets acquired (give description)
- Amount of good will
- Value of services (give nature of services)
- Value of other items ( to be specified)
- Valuation report of the asset accepted as consideration against issue of shares
If allotted as bonus shares
- Copies of the resolution of Board of Directors /members authorizing the issue
of such shares. - Details of bonus shares
- No of shares indicating class, (if any)
- Allotment Ratio (Existing shares / bonus shares)
- Name of allottee in full
- NIC No./NICOP/Passport No. of allottee/ Registration Number, if
any (in case of allottee other than natural person).
Other required documents:
- In case of allotment of shares in consequence of the exercise of the option for
conversion in terms of an agreement for participation term certificates, term
finance certificates, redeemable capital, musharika or hire-purchase shall be
reported in Section-B and copies of the relevant documents submitted with the
return. - Any other document, certificate, report etc required under any regulation
pertaining to issuance of shares.
Fee: Starting from Rs. 15,000
Form “4” or Form “5 (Intimation about Principal line of business or change therein) &
(Petition for alteration of memorandum)
Completion Time: 7 – 10 Working Days
- Nature of alteration:
- – Change in place of registered office
- – Adoption of any new business activity or any change therein which is subject to license, registration, permission or approval under any law.
- Previous and current principal line of business
- Detail of any new business adopted in addition to principal line of business
- Date of change
- Reason of change
- Copy of the special resolution
- Amended/revised copy of the Memorandum of Association
- Order of the commission approving change in principal line of business
- Comparative statement containing existing provision, proposed provision of the memorandum.
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “6 or Form 7 (Notice of increase, consolidation, division or
the cancellation of shares [Otherwise than reduction])
Completion Time: 7 – 10 Working Days
- Copy of special resolution
- Notice of general meeting
- Particulars of consolidation and division of shares
- Particulars of sub-division of shares or
- Particulars of cancellation of shares
- Details of change in share capital & Authorized share capital.
- Copy of revised Memorandum of Association
- Comparative analysis of Memorandum of Association of revised and existing terms.
- Following particulars
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Rs. 5,000
Form “8” (Application for change of name)
Completion Time: 5 – 7 Working Days
- New name of the company
- Precise reason for change
- Rational of new name
- Name availability letter
- Copy of special resolution wit notice of meeting in which resolution was passed
- Copy of NOC / permission / letter of intent of competent authority (if applicable)
- Copy of NOC of registered creditors
- Amended copy of the memorandum of association and if applicable, copy of articles of association
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “9” (Notice of the court’s order disallowing / confirming the
variations of the rights of holders of shares)
Completion Time: 3 – 4 Working Days
- A duly certified copy of the order of the High Court issued pursuant to subsection (4) of section 59 of the Act, the same having been received by the company.
- Name of High Court
- Date in which order is passed
- Date in which order received by the company
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “10” or Form “11” (Particulars of mortgages, charges, pledge, etc.) & (Particulars of mortgage or charge subject to which property has been acquired)
Completion Time: 5 – 7 Working Days
- Purpose why the mortgage, charge, pledge is created
- Description of instrument creating mortgage, charge, pledge
- Memorandum of mortgage, charge, pledge
- Authorized true copy of instrument creating the mortgage, charge, pledge
- Date of instrument
- Date of creation
- Date of acquisition of the property against which mortgage is being created
- Amount secured by the mortgage or charge, pledge etc.
- Short particulars of the property mortgaged, charged, pledged
- Names, addresses and description of the mortgagees or persons entitled to the charge or other interest.
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “13” or Form “14” (Registration of entire series of debentures/ redeemable capital
for more than one issue)
Completion Time: 5 – 7 Working Days
- Authorized true copy of the instrument/ deed of debenture/ redeemable capital
- Copy of the resolution authorizing the series
- Total amount secured by the whole series (Rs.)
- Amount of the present issue of the series (Rs.)
- Date of resolutions authorizing the issue of the series.
- Date of the covering deed (if any) by which the security is created or defined; or if there is no such deed the first issue of any redeemable capital or debenture of the series.
- General description of the property charged
- Names & addresses of trustees (if any) of the redeemable capital/ debenture holders.
- Name and login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “21” (Notice of situation of registered office or any change therein)
Completion Time: 3 – 4 Working Days
- Last situated registered office of the company
- New registered office of the company (identifiable number / name of the premises or building and street, road and locality besides the name of the town and postal area)
- Telephone number of new premises
- Fax number of new premises
- Email number
- Name and login details of authorized officer.
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000
Form “22” (Declaration before commencing business in case of a company
issuing prospectus)
Completion Time: 3 – 4 Working Days
- Name of directors declaring the commencement.
- Amount of the share capital of the company offered to the public for subscription
- Amount stated in the prospectus as the minimum subscription
- Amount of shares held subject to be paid in cash and have been paid against cash
- Amount that every director of the company has paid to the company full amount on each of the shares taken or contracted to be taken by him and for which he is liable to pay in cash
- Amount of money that may be repayable to any of the subscriber against receipt of subscription money.
- Declaration from every director and CEO on the format to be provided by us.
- Details of declarant(s) – (Name, designation, and signature)
- Evidence of receipt of amount of minimum subscription by the Company.
- Certificate of receipt of subscription money from CA or ICMA firm
- Name and login details of authorized officer and every declarant
Fee: Starting from Rs. 10,000
Form “25” (Statutory Report – Applicable only to public companies)
Completion Time: 3 – 4 Working Days
- Copy of statutory report
- Abstract of receipts and payments of the company up to the date of report:
- Copy of audit report on receipt and payment.
- Copy of notice of statutory meeting
- Place where meeting is to be held
- Particulars of share allotted including kind/class of shares, number of shares, nominal value of each shares, cash received.
- Preliminary expenses actually incurred up to the aforesaid date
- Name, Father name, CNIC number, address, and profession of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Company Secretary, Legal Advisor, and Auditor.
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 15,000
Form “26” (Special Resolution)
Completion Time: 2 – 3 Working Days
- Copy of special resolution
- Copy of notice of general meeting held for special resolution
- Intention behind the resolution as special resolution
- Number of Members into the company
- Number of members present in person or through proxy in the meeting Members voted for whom
- Number of members voted against the resolution
- Complete address at which general meeting was held
- Name and SECP login details of authorized officer
Fee: Starting from Rs. 5,000