Register an LLC (Limited Liability Company) can be complex procedure for users if they don’t have the minimum required knowledge. A person wish to register its business in USA needs to know at least following:

  • Why to register LLC in USA?
  • Which State is best to get LLC registered?
  • What will be the total cost of registration?
  • Is there any recurring expenses for LLC in future?
  • How can a LLC be registered with minimum possible cost? 

Why to Register LLC in USA?

With globalization, many businesses wish to expand and utilize e-commerce as tool to grow their business revenues. This growth will mean nothing if cash flows are not favourable and sufficient. Many businesses face difficulties in receiving sale proceeds into their local banks or they face credibility issues of their local economy. In some cases registering LLC in USA is a requirement of the customer or the platforms where you want to sale.

The issues identified above can be resolved by registering any business in USA then why should we register an LLC?

There are three basic reasons for establishing a LLC. 

  1. Limited personal liability for business activities;
  2. Tax advantage that is not available in Corporation;
  3. Raising funds from potential investors.

In LLC only assets of the LLC will be subject to settlement in case of any claim and there will be no personal liability of its members to settle claim. Further to this in many states LLC is not subject to taxes but its share shall be passed to its members according to their profit/loss sharing ratio. It is also easy to induct new member into LLC for capital injection which may come from any investor or partner.

Which State is Best to Get LLC Registered?

While deciding about the State for registration of LLC you need to be aware of the State fee, Taxes and recurring legal expenses. But the sole decision must not based on only involvement of cash but you must consider which state is best to operate into as per the conditions of customer or the e-commerce platform. You must have already know that:

  • Delaware is the best state to form an LLC!
  • Nevada has no corporate income tax.
  • Wyoming LLCs are the most affordable.

Before opting for any of the above state do consult a consultant about your business activities so that correct decision may be made otherwise you may end up paying doubble the expenses and additional penalties that may extend to several thousands of dollors.


What will be the total cost of registration?

An approximate idea of total cost of registration has already been given in detail under the above table. The schedule mentioned above is updated upto 2024 therefore, to get accurate cost of registration, select the state and ask us for current pricing. There is slight possibility that state or other rate may get changed. However, this change is not expected to be any higher than 10%.

Is there any recurring expenses for LLC in future?

Yes, there will be recurring expenses and those expenses will be following:

  • Annual state fee (as mentioned above);
  • Registered Agent fee; and 
  • Business address subscription annual fee.

No other fee will be of recurring nature. We have separatly mentioned fee of registered agent and business address however, this may be in range of USD 150 to USD 200 annually. 

How can a LLC be registered with minimum possible cost?

To register an LLC with minimum possible cost we recommend to discuss your operational method with your consultant specially when you expect to receieve and deliver stock items at place of your LLC. This action will save you amount that you even not able to comprehend. Penalties in USA can be very huge for LLCs and in some cases can even exceed your tital revenue. 

The cost disclosed above is the minimum cost needed to register an LLC in safest possible environment. 

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