FATF Related Compliance BY NPOs in Pakistan (Workshop)

(The objective of this workshop is to support & capacity building of NPOs, in the field of anti-money laundering, counter terrorism financing and counter proliferation financing.)


This workshop will provide a clear analysis of the strategies that can be employed to make compliance of regulations related to anti money laundering and counter terrorist financing. Interactive learning will support participants’ understanding of the key themes of FATF objectives, its recommendations and local laws to adopt preventative measures against money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) activities. It covers best practice case studies and recent initiatives to prevent money laundering.


Do you know, what recommendations of FATF are affecting NPOs, and what those regulations require? This workshop will not just answer this but it will also elaborate applicable local regulations with steps to comply them, it will also enlighten you with a fact that not all NPOs are subject to FATF compliance. This workshop will specifically cover following:

  • Overall framework of FATF
  • Purpose and role of FATF in global economy and its impact on Pakistan
  • Applicable regulations in Pakistan and their important compliances
  • Monitoring process of regulators adopted for NPOs
  • How to comply with those regulations
    • AML measures required to be taken
    • FATFs Risk Based Approach to adopt
    • Donor and beneficiaries due diligence measures
    • Politically Exposed Persons PEPs and related ML/TF risk factors
    • FATF Recommendations on high risk persons, areas and activities
  • Practical examples
  • What to expect next in respect of implementation of FATF recommendations


Based on the above outline, this workshop will help you in following:

  • Identifying channels for money laundering,
  • Develop, construct and implement an action plan to combat ML/ TF activities,
  • Develop better approach to secure stakeholder and
  • Enable you to understand how to comply if you are categorized in entities designated non-financial business and professions (DNFBPs).

For individuals, it will satisfy your needs and explain your job roles particularly if your area is Compliance, Anti Money Laundering, Regulatory Compliance, Customer Relationship and Risk Assessment and Management.

After attending this course you will be able to confidently talk and communicate with compliance, AML / CFT professionals, audit and other related professionals.


The workshop will be most beneficial for following professionals:

  • Members of governing board of NGOs;
  • Finance and operation staff of NGOs;
  • Compliance professionals and students;
  • Risk management professionals and students;
  • Internal audit professionals and students; and
  • CA, ACCA, CPA, CMA, PIPFA students.


For Individuals

The course shall be of 09 hours.

For Groups and Corporations

Overall 09 hours with flexible breaks as per requirement.



Straight fee for the course is PKR 10,000 per participant.

(Discount is available for our registered participants)

Group and Corporations

PKR 10,000 per participant or PKR 150,000 whichever is lower


Registration shall be granted on full payment of fee.


For discounts and other details contact training@cfooversight.com

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Timing: 9:00 AM to 06:00 PM (Monday to Saturday) - - - Sunday closed.

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    House No. 206/1 Alama Muhammad Anwer Rd, Lawyers' Colony Sector 30 Gulzar E Hijri Scheme 33, Karachi, Pakistan